NEW JERSEY – The Indian-American boy who was surprised a week ago with a party-parade and and a chance to live out his dream, died three days later.
Parth Patel, 9, was battling cancer since 2014. He loved superheroes and wanted to be a police officer. All these wishes were granted through Marty Lyons Foundation. He was surprised with a superhero-themed parade by 100 police officers, firefighters, and EMT’s. He was also given a party at his school and a key to the city by the mayor.
The surprise was initiated by Jersey City Police Officer Adrien Murrell who lost a brother to terminal illness, and upon learning of Parth’s battle, she wanted to do something special for the boy.
On the day of the parade, Parth was placed in a Batmobile where the driver was his favorite superhero, while he wore a custom-made police uniform from Jersey City. After the parade, a pizza party awaited them in the school’s auditorium. And there, he was presented with a key to Jersey City by Mayor Steve Fulop.
In recent weeks, Parth wasn’t able to attend a full day of school because of his illness. His 18-year-old sister, Hileri Patel, said school means a lot to him and considers it a second home.
“I’m really happy because he has been upset and not feeling so well the past couple of days and now he looks really great,” Hileri said.
Parth’s classmates cheered him during the event while first responders greeted the young man. He was presented with various gifts like a superhero cape and an honorary battalion chief fire helmet.
Murrell grew emotional as she saw Parth smile, enjoying the surprises. “I just wanted to see him smile,” the veteran police officer said. “That’s it and it will make the family feel like they have the support.”
Parth lived out his final dream. He passed away three days after this event, according to Jersey City Police.